Achieve your vision of excellence with meaning and purpose

Empowering Professionals and Students to Design and Achieve Their Vision of Excellence

transformative Coaching and Consulting services

­Premexcellence® is a coaching and consulting company committed to designing what excellence looks like for professionals in their careers and lives, students in higher education, and organizations and institutions working in public health research or programs.


I am Dr. Johanna Andrews Adlam, the founder of Premexcellence®. I am a Certified Career and Life Coach as well as an Academic and Public Health Consultant. In my own pursuit of academic and professional excellence, I understand what it is like to be a student or professional experiencing obstacles and challenges that arise along the way. I also hold the unique experience of being a woman of color in these spaces. 


As a result of my journey, I have developed successful and purposeful strategies to help you overcome these barriers through my unique coaching style and individualized consulting services. I am passionate about helping you to achieve your vision of excellence aligned with your purpose and values!

EXperience abundant possibilities!

Are you looking for help in your career or in your personal life? 


Well, I would love to work with you! I have a transformative program curated just for you. As a result of my journey, coupled with my skills and training as a Certified Coach, I developed The Excellence Lab coaching programs so I can support other accomplished professionals like you to gain the clarity and confidence you need to design your own unique path to a meaningful and rewarding career or life.

Are you looking for help in academia or public health research or programs? 


Well, I provide the comprehensive services you are seeking! My academic consulting services in Premexcellence® Academy help students in higher education with their academic performance, personal skill-building, and completing their thesis or dissertation projects. My public health consulting services support organizations and institutions with social and behavioral health research initiatives and program development efforts. You will receive customizable support and enrichment services tailored just for you. I will work closely with you to understand where you are on your journey so that we can identify your unique needs and goals and create a pathway to achieve them!

Johanna Adlam in Yellow Attire
Johanna using laptop

let's start this journey together!

Please choose your desired pathway to coaching or consulting services by clicking on your area of interest in one of the boxes below. You will learn more about my extensive list of virtual services and programs. Contact me today if you need support in one of the areas below. I am excited to start this journey with you!



For Professionals


For Individuals



For Students in Higher Education


For Organizations & Institutions

The Excellence Lab has been a transformative experience for me and I cannot recommend Dr. Johanna's program enough. After taking a very long sabbatical from professional life to raise my child and support my husband's career, I found that returning to my previous field was no longer viable for many reasons despite holding an advanced degree. The exercises that Dr. Johanna created resonated with me in a way that helped me to gain more clarity about my skills and how I might apply them in this next phase of my life. Dr. Johanna's intuitiveness and insight have been instrumental and allowed me to build the confidence needed to honor my core values throughout this process.

Yvonne N., Career Coaching Client, Washington, D.C.

I started coaching services with Dr. Johanna and never imagined how transformative these sessions would be for me! Dr. Johanna uses special techniques and exercises to help me dig deep within myself and recognize the leader I have within myself, and she helps me to strategize and put a plan in action so I can actively work towards all my goals and aspirations with intent and authority! She is very encouraging and motivational, and she embraces me with a warm spirit and warm heart! I know that she genuinely and compassionately cares about me living a purposeful life and she pours so much positive energy into my spirit and allows me to think outside the box and pull things out of me that I didn’t even know I had hidden inside! I feel so happy, and I have so much clarity and focus! I would encourage you to take advantage of her transformative coaching services. Everyone can benefit from services like these! Get your life in order, discover your purpose, discover new purpose, live life with purpose, and become the best version of yourself! Contact Dr. Johanna ASAP and schedule your free consultation immediately!

Kristal C., Life Coaching Client, Jamaica, New York

I am delighted to share my testimonial for Dr. Johanna and her exceptional academic consulting services during my journey to my second doctorate. From our very first interaction, it was evident that Dr. Johanna possessed an unparalleled depth of knowledge and a profound understanding of the intricacies of doctoral research. She has provided invaluable guidance in refining my dissertation proposal, research questions, timeline, and plan. One of the standout qualities of Dr. Johanna is her ability to provide insightful and constructive feedback. She meticulously reviews my work, offering great suggestions to improve the quality of my research and expand my horizons as a scholar. Her commitment to excellence is unwavering, and I always feel she is genuinely invested in my success. Dr. Johanna’s unfaltering support, flexibility, and confidence-boosting have significantly impacted my success as a doctoral student and university mid-level administrator. I highly recommend Dr. Johanna for her unmatched dedication, expertise, and client commitment. She is a true game-changer in academia and research.

Eboni A., Doctoral Student, Bellarmine University

I've partnered with Dr. Johanna and Premexcellence on multiple public health consulting engagements and will continue to do so. Dr. Johanna's public health knowledge, expertise, and research skills have consistently exceeded our clients' expectations. Not only does Dr. Johanna develop methodologies and processes, she is able to manage both small- and large-scale projects while serving as an objective advisor making recommendations to improve project and program outcomes. Any team or organization working with Premexcellence are in good hands.

Shawnta J., MPH, Chief Executive Associate, Cause Engagement Associates LLC

I enjoy working with Dr. Johanna in The Excellence Lab, and I cannot recommend the experience highly enough. With her guidance, I could identify and prioritize my career values and strengths, develop a plan for achieving them, and gain confidence to apply them to my current work. Thanks to her help, I feel more focused and motivated in my current role and have a clear sense of direction for my future career. In addition, after participating in The Excellence Lab, I have been able to tap into my strengths of creativity and innovation and find ways to use them in my current Epidemiology role. If you're feeling stuck or uncertain about your professional path, I highly recommend participating in The Excellence Lab – it could be the best investment you ever make.

Nora C., Career Coaching Client, Madison, Tennessee

Dr. Johanna came to me at a very critical time in my life. My mental health was at an all-time low; I had gotten out of a long-term relationship; and I felt stuck and stagnant with my career and education goals. I grew personally and professionally as time went on. Dr. Johanna brought several things to the surface that I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. She was able to see my full potential and highlight the characteristics that made me who I am, and by the end of it, I was able to see those same things. Through my journey, I rediscovered my hobbies/passions, reconnected with friends and family, got a great new job, and applied and was accepted to several graduate programs. I would very much recommend this program to anyone with similar feelings who needs someone to help guide them and keep them accountable through their journey!

Zulma A., Life Coaching Client, Las Vegas, Nevada

I’ve worked with Dr. Johanna since the spring semester of 2019. At the time, I was completing the first of two research practica. I can say that she is one of the most skillful Research Scientists that I have worked with. She possesses great skill in quantitative research methodology, scientific & research writing, and her professionalism and timeliness in completing tasks is exemplary. Dr. Johanna also has a unique ability to translate what she knows and pass that down to others so that they may reap the benefits of her understanding of complex topics. For example, as I was entering my dissertation phase, I had the opportunity to sit with Dr. Johanna as she explained the theory behind regression analysis and the nuances of running and interpreting a regression on SPSS 26. She taught me more in that hour than I’d learned during the 32 weeks of Intermediate Statistics and Hierarchical Linear Modeling that I’d taken as part of my PhD coursework. Her tutorial was the reason why I was able to successfully complete my dissertation data analysis in two days. This example confirms not only her skill but also her desire to pass that knowledge down to others. If your goal is to submit a high-quality dissertation in a timely fashion as well as gain skill that will be useful to you later, in your academic and professional career, I would strongly recommend Dr. Johanna’s consulting services!

Daryl T., Doctoral Student, University of Missouri-Columbia

Dr. Johanna is an outstanding consultant, who distinguishes herself in public health research. She is very inquisitive and asks questions to clarify material to facilitate her learning. In addition to understanding theoretical concepts, she strives to apply the concepts to real world situations. Dr. Johanna assisted me with mentoring undergraduate students who were completing a research thesis from the UNLV Honors College. Dr. Johanna was instrumental in assisting the students with their data analysis for their projects. Each of these students received various awards on campus for their work. Students always find her to be engaging and appreciates her ability to explain complex concepts in ways in which they are able to easily grasp and understand.

Melva T., DrPH, Professor & Advisor to the Dean on Equity, Inclusion, and Justice, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Dr. Johanna is an extremely skilled and talented coach. Her thoughtful assessment of a situation has helped me to overcome barriers to moving forward in my career. What I loved most was how Dr. Johanna consistently reminded me of my values and purpose which she helped me identify for myself. I feel so much more confident in this stage of my career and feel prepared with the tools received from this coaching experience. Within a few months of implementing the skills learned from Dr. Johanna’s coaching, I am happy to share that I’ve been promoted within my department to a Senior-Level position. Dr. Johanna, thank you for believing in me and seeing things within me that I had yet to see for myself.

Jessica C., Career Coaching Client, Jersey City, New Jersey

My time with Dr. Johanna was very beneficial and I didn't realize how much I needed it until after we completed our first session. Her professionalism is evident from the outset. Dr. Johanna was very efficient at helping me go inward to discover solutions, using what abilities I already possess to gain results. She is really good at using vivid imagery and/ or metaphoric illustrations to paint a clearer picture to come to a resolution. Not only did she give me the right tools to help with my situation, but she also made sure I put them to use and held me accountable. She was personable with me which made it easier for me to open up and trust her to share my experiences. At the end of each session, I left feeling much better about my circumstances with a sense of clarity. I always look forward to my future sessions with Dr. Johanna, updating her on what I was able to implement. Dr. Johanna is the top tier of coaching and someone I would most definitely recommend to any and all.

Jonathan A., Life Coaching Client, Bellport, New York

Joining the Premexcellence Academy was the best decision I made to help me finish my thesis. After 3 years of feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and burnt out, Dr. Johanna worked with me to provide structure and compassion. Her resources and feedback have been immensely helpful. I truly believe I would not execute this as successfully without her support and the support from others in the Academy.

Kimberly T., Master's Student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Dependable, knowledgeable, insightful, and professional are just a few of the many characteristics to describe Dr. Johanna. She is an excellent writer and an astute researcher who is keenly aware of data analysis. For example, Dr. Johanna was ever so patient in giving me a crash course on quantitative research. As a refresher, she taught me how to effectively use SPSS software in the matter of a two-hour session. Dr. Johanna is also very timely and efficient with turning around manuscript edits. She provides sound advice and constructive feedback that is trustworthy, clear, and concise. Her ability to guide others in a way that they can truly understand the various concepts of research and writing is her most outstanding quality. Plus, she does this in a very supportive manner. You will not find a better public health consultant than Dr. Johanna!

Eboni A., D.H.Ed., Ph.D.(c), Director of Community Oriented Primary Care & Assistant Professor, A.T. Still University

I received coaching with Dr. Johanna for over a 6 month period; I was torn about how to expand my business. I truly enjoyed working with Dr. Johanna. She is approachable, warm, and supportive while engaging in problem-solving pertaining to my business's future. I believe Dr. Johanna’s design and optimization are largely responsible for my new business perspective, and also for overall holistic and personal wellness. She is easy to work with, thinks creatively, and effectively communicates her ideas. She has been an asset in my professional life, and thus she has my highest endorsement.

Kristina R., Career Coaching Client, Las Vegas, Nevada

The coaching services provided by Dr. Johanna have been beneficial in setting my personal and professional goals. She always made sure my goals were aligned with my values and that my values were holistically reflected. This process has helped me to uncover my life's purpose and the characteristics I already had within me to work towards living in my purpose. Dr. Johanna's caring spirit made the process easier and a true joy to work with her.

Raychel H., Life Coaching Client, Las Vegas, Nevada

Dr. Johanna was one of the people who significantly helped me and offered support throughout the entire process of my senior thesis. She was very knowledgeable of the components of research and was able to easily explain it to me, without getting too technical. As I proceeded on with my thesis, Dr. Johanna was always within reach and easily accessible. She made it easy to reach out to her with any questions, concerns, or anything else I wanted to discuss. Her dedication to my research project, her willingness to always help, offer me resources, and her thorough revision of my work, and feedback have allowed me to successfully complete my thesis and even publish the paper in a well-known journal. She was always willing to share her own experiences with me, which made it very comfortable to talk to her. Dr. Johanna worked with me through every step of my research, offering her own experiences, enhancing my skills, providing me with resources, and staying involved throughout the duration of the yearlong project. Dr. Johanna was also always very supportive and encouraging. Her positive comments about my strengths and how well I am progressing through the research process was very motivating for me to pull through to the finish line. It was a privilege and an honor to have had Dr. Johanna as my mentor while conducting my honors senior thesis.

Selam A., Undergraduate Honors Student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Dr. Johanna is an inspiration to me! I am a middle-aged woman who was going through a tough time in my life and was trying to see the best way that I could cope with it. I wanted to talk to someone who I can trust and understand how I was feeling so that I can get some help. During my first session with Dr. Johanna, she welcomed me with open arms, listened to my story, and stayed neutral yet understanding and helpful at the same time. At this point, I knew that I had chosen the right person to coach me through my difficult time. I now see things in a different light. I also learned to cope with whatever life has to offer because I am in a better place now. I highly recommend Dr. Johanna to my friends and family who might need the same help as I did!

Joy A., Life Coaching Client, Jamaica, New York

Working with Dr. Johanna on my senior thesis was an incredible experience. Not only was she able to meet me where I was with my project, but she built my skills and expertise week by week, ultimately improving my abilities as a researcher. She always answered my questions with detail and knowledge and pushed me to consider my project in ways I hadn’t before. It was in great part because of her efforts that my research was so successful – both in content and in presentation. Beyond the day-to-day activities of our work, she also always ensured that our relationship was beyond the project. Throughout our time together, she served not only as my mentor but as my coach, ensuring that my life experiences were considered as much as our work. Because of this, there was never a time I did not feel ready to conduct my research. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a mentor, coach, or both.

Santiago G., Undergraduate Honors Student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

You can always come up with 'what ifs' and doubts to move forward in life and while I find myself to be a very self-aware and optimistic person, I too fall victim to overthinking and worrying from time to time. Dr. Johanna reminded me of the leader I have within myself who has overcome doubts and has set aside 'what ifs' in other aspects of my life. She made me question "why should this situation be any different" and that introspection was invaluable. Dr. Johanna and I meet virtually, but it feels like she is with me, in the same room, every step of the way through my introspection and contemplation. Dr. Johanna will hold your hand (figuratively) and give you the much needed space to tap into what courage and strength you have inside you. Her genuine, caring, and calm demeanor makes our sessions a safe space - always, but don't get me wrong when I need a kick in the butt to wake the heck up and rid my thoughts of doubt and judgment, she brings the fiery energy I need.

Nicole D., Life Coaching Client, Chicago, Illinois

Dr. Johanna helped me reach my goal to finish my doctorate degree this year. Her warmth, care, and professionalism, allowed me to focus on my research, writing and editing. Her encouragement and support that led me to contact my IRB was a game changer for me. I will be forever grateful to her for executing her organizational skills, expertise about the doctoral process, and her flexibility that made each of our sessions meaningful. I would advise anyone embarking on the doctoral journey to make a wise investment and enlist her help.

Johanna D., Doctoral Student, Liberty University

Dr. Johanna’s mentorship benefitted me because it gave me another person to ask questions to when my advisor wasn’t available and made me feel as if support was always available to me. Because Dr. Johanna spent much time reading through my thesis and other research to prepare for helping me with my data analysis, I often felt she was much closer to my project than my other committee members. This allowed me to trust in the ways she advised and critiqued my thesis. Over the year in which Dr. Johanna has been my mentor, she has often given me support in a multitude of ways, but especially emotional. Her words of encouragement have helped me tremendously throughout the more stressful parts of my project, and I often look to her for advice regarding my future in academics.

Winna P., Undergraduate Honors Student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Dr. Johanna was an asset throughout my dissertation experience. Her knowledge of the academic process allowed many questions to be answered and provided me with greater confidence when submitting and presenting the material. She has greatly contributed throughout my journal article-writing process with editing suggestions and a thorough review of cleaning and analyzing quantitative data. Her warm, approachable demeanor immediately put me at ease. She patiently answered my questions and gently provided suggestions as needed. She has an in-depth understanding of the academic setting, as well as engaging in research within the "real world." I highly recommend working with her!

Kristina R., Doctoral Student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Dr. Johanna helps me tremendously in completing my professional paper. The goals we set together are realistic and assist in keeping me on track throughout the writing process. Her knowledge and research expertise aids in having a deeper understanding of my research. She has even given me the tools to navigate this time with my committee chair. Her positive spirit and encouragement make her a pleasure to work with and is vital throughout this long process. My last step towards graduation is completing my professional paper and I don't think I could have come this far without the help of Dr. Johanna.

Raychel H., Master's Student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Featured Testimonial

Conducting an honors senior thesis was no little undertaking as an undergraduate student. From becoming familiar with the research process/steps, developing my own research question, to successfully carrying out the project to the finish line, was both a challenging and rewarding process. I had such a great support system and mentorship along the way, which I believe was the greatest contribution to the successful completion of my thesis. Dr. Johanna was one of the people who significantly helped me and offered support throughout the entire process of my senior thesis. As an undergraduate student, I was new to the research process, so it was very much a learning process for me. Dr. Johanna played a critical role in helping me gain a better grasp of the research process and how to effectively carry out or implement each step. She was very knowledgeable of the components of research and was able to easily explain it to me, without getting too technical. She was also very resourceful, in that she would offer me useful sources to look into, such as books/textbooks, and websites, which I found very helpful. As I proceeded on with my thesis, Dr. Johanna was always within reach and easily accessible. She made it easy to reach out to her with any questions, concerns, or anything else I wanted to discuss. She was always mindful of the fact that I had hard deadlines I needed to meet in order to graduate on time. She provided me with her feedback on my papers, responded to my emails, and made sure to always keep me in the loop if there was anything new that came up. Further, Dr. Johanna’s passion for research and the public health field clearly shows in her work, which further increased my appreciation for research and passion for the public health profession. Her dedication to my research project, her willingness to always help, offer me resources, and her thorough revision of my work, and feedback have allowed me to successfully complete my thesis and even publish the paper in a well-known journal. As someone who has once been in my shoes doing her own research, she was very relatable and understood the pressure I had on my plate. She was always willing to share her own experiences with me, which made it very comfortable to talk to her. Dr. Johanna worked with me through every step of my research, offering her own experiences, enhancing my skills, providing me with resources, and staying involved throughout the duration of the yearlong project. Dr. Johanna was also always very supportive and encouraging. Her positive comments about my strengths and how well I am progressing through the research process was very motivating for me to pull through to the finish line. Dr. Johanna was even at my defense to support me, which meant a lot. It was a privilege and an honor to have had Dr. Johanna as my mentor while conducting my honors senior thesis. To this day, Dr. Johanna is still my mentor, whom I look up to and still reach out for advice, support, and encouragement.

Selam A., Undergraduate Honors Student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 

If you are interested in transformative 

coaching or consulting services,

please contact me at (631) 605-0861 today!